2014年9月25日 星期四

Black peanut 黑花生

Those peanuts were derived from 2 peanuts (mothers) that i planted for 2 years of 3 generations.  feeling great.  let them have more more generations.  haha
Planted 2 rows peanut on 9/9/2014
cover with plastic sheet to protect from heavy rainfall.  All black clouds after finish seeding.

95% germinated on 21/9/2014

not only peanuts sprout, grasses as well.  
better looking after cleared grasses.  good work.

2014年9月17日 星期三

dried sweet potato stick 蕃薯乾

蕃薯被虫食得体無完膚,惨不忍睹, 点算好?
切開來看, 只是外皮有問題


生晒蕃薯乾. 登登登, 好味道

2014年9月16日 星期二

mango veneer grafting 芒果嫁接

Grafted mango on 7th September using veneer grafting and cleft grafting.  After 7days, buds coming out from veneer graft.  

jumugfarm before number 8 typhoon signal 八号風球來臨前留影


地瓜葉, 蕃薯, 紅妃木瓜





2014年9月10日 星期三

sweet potato harvest 2014-09-09

种了四個月的蕃薯收成了. 足足有30公斤. 可是它的外皮被虫咬得黑黑的一團團, 很難看. 雖然只是外皮受傷,但送人也怕冇人要, 怎辧呢?看來自然种植防不到地下虫, 看症狀應該是粗糙象鼻虫的幼虫吃甘薯皮,一定要想辦法有机防治.

2014年9月8日 星期一

Taiwan carrot

Seeding carrot seed on these two rows Sunday 2014-09-07. 
Put the dry grasses on top to protect seeds from heavy rainfall.
Looking for harvest this December.
*Carrot seed brought from Taiwan knownyou in 2009 kept in fridge for 5 years,
Hope it can germinate

2014年9月6日 星期六

beetroot planting 2014-09-01

Last weekend, after harvested sweet potato tops and ginger, made 4 rows for coming season.  What will we plant? yeah! first row should be beetroot that I got from Vancouver trip in July.  Seeding time on 2014-09-01 weather so hot at 30'C,  autumn coming, hope its right time to plant.  photo taken today 2014-09-06 fast germination